

If marriage was easy

I would take you away

And if my heart got what it truly desired

I would make a way

But Mama said no

She’s no good today

Wait a little longer, she will learn the way

You pop and lock it like Beyonce and Belle

Yet you want to come home to chillax and play

With Mr TV on repeat of Alejandro and babes

Papa says am stupid

I brought home a broiler

She’s no good today

Let her learn the way

Go get Sheeba knows to pray

I ponder of ways through this endless maze

To that corner of my head where they mingle and play

Those thoughts of you

That just don’t seem to go away

Sheeba can cook, sweep and pray

But she’s no good today

I need her to pop, lock and play

So darling, come here

Come look into my eyes

Come try to see the way

Darling replies she’s no good today

She closes her eyes and continues to dance and play

By VictorTheMuchwezi


Shaucey Charles Lion ?

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Written by Mugabe Victor (0)

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21st Century African Love