202 Views62 Comments129 Votes
in Health and MedicineCovid-19 or a New Strain of Malaria? #Stories4Health
The trends on covid-19 have constantly evolved since the beginning of the outbreak. New findings are being made on a regular basis, hence the need to stay constantly updated and […] More
207 Views27 Comments24 Votes
in Fiction, Health and Medicine, Poetry, Self-help and Inspiration, Writing and Literature#stories4health
It started when I couldn’t smell, I remember that day clearly, it was the 2nd of June on a Monday , when things started changing for me. It was Nana’s […] More
2 Votes
in Health and Medicine, PoetryI Wanted To Die #Stories4Health
I Wanted To Die When I first heard the news Of a deadly disease in Wuhan in December; Killing people left, right and centre; I Wanted To Die. Anxiety had […] More
1 Vote
in Movies and Television, PoetryPoetry In The Times Of COVID Ep 4: The World Belongs To Fools, Cretins, & Idiots
Some time ago I was in the bowels of something psychologists call a quarter-life crisis when I bumped into a salve of wisdom that would prove itself a trusty raft […] More