
#SSWC – Short Story Writing Competition – Third Edition

And like a line from an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, we are back!

The third edition of the Short Story Writing Competition will have a few tweaks – what’s life without a few tweaks, eh?

Doreen Baingana - SSWC Chief Judge
Doreen Baingana – SSWC Chief Judge


We have a Chief Judge – Doreen Baingana. She doesn’t really need an introduction but these are ignorant times so I will oblige – Doreen is a Ugandan short story writer and editor. Her book Tropical Fish won the 2006 Commonwealth Writers’ Prize, best first book, Africa Region, and the AWP Award for Short Fiction (US). She’s also won a Washington Independent Writers Fiction Prize, has twice been a finalist for the Caine Prize for African Writing, was managing Editor at StoryMoja, and was one of the 2013 Commonwealth Short Story Prize judges.

Throw in the fact that in 2013 she gave a talk on “The role of offensive language in novels” (which sort of makes her one of my favorite people, bloody hell!), and it sounds like we are in good hands.


You have 30 days to make your submission. That’s right – you no longer have an excuse for poor grammar or last minute emails. You have 30 days.


Your submissions MUST be original, and unpublished anywhere. Your submission must NOT be longer than 3,000 words.


You must be in this group to submit a story – follow the link if you need to be added.


#SSWC is an online writing competition and is open ONLY to Ugandans. You must identify yourself using your current Facebook ID. Judges will have no idea who the submissions are from (we call it ‘blind judging’ back in the old country). However, Jade Incorporated, the firm that runs the logistical process of this competition, will only accept submissions from contestants whose identity can be traced back to their Facebook ID.

Prizes will include cash, with a top prize of Shs. 1,000,000 (and the usual coins and change for the other podium finishes), an interesting bunch of stuff from our sponsors, and an invitation to a#WritingWorkshop run by #DoreenBaingana.

Submissions should be made by email to

Your deadline is 7.00pm, 13th July 2016. And yes, we will be using a Ugandan clock for this.


Written by Dennis Asiimwe (1)

Dennis lives and works in Kampala as a communications consultant. He’s single because dating is a bit tedious in Uganda. He owns a marketing communications firm that develops radio, TV, and print ads and uses other media tools, and has an event management section. He also writes for the New Vision as a music critic and is a social critic with several magazines.

He owns a jazz outfit called Bonafide and plays jazz when he can find the bloody time. He loves dogs (German Shepherds) and is a major fan of Stephen King and Babyface.

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