
Lessons from geography. The earth, time zones and it's lithosphere .

I’ll start here; being unable to work out how the earth is connected by magnets, the south and north poles. It has also left my understanding famished how the earth rotates around, it’s never made sense. Where are the magnets located? Are they visible? If the world rotates, does it mean Africa can take America’s position at a point in time? I’ll get back here in a few.

Being an enthusiast of knowledge, I’ve been caught up in understanding time zones and their connection to the imaginary line running from north to south. I had never fully grasped why Uganda, for example, had different time with Rwanda but why it’s like this, I’m still unable to fathom.

My attempt to know took me further to this planet’s lithosphere. The tectonic plates, their effect on oceans, how they are thought to cause natural disasters like the tsunamis in Japan and more fascinating to me, how there can be a mountain with molten state magma under the waters. I can’t state the depth of astonishment this brought, I stand amazed!

Why geography today? You may ask. Well, I’m just amazed at how much man can find out but can’t understand. Doesn’t scripture state that the wisdom, knowledge and riches of God are deep? (Rom 11:33) Doesn’t the Holy book state that he created heaven and earth and that God’s wisdom is unfathomable to men? Geography just got these questions answered, it has brought the point home, God is God and nothing can change that. Heaven is his throne, earth is his footstool.

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Written by Mbeiza Lynn Felicia (0)

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