Continued from; A debt paid in full #21
By Aine Susan
Kintu looked up at the bright sky; his breath flattering against every particle of the fresh air.
“Nothing had ever looked so exquisite,” he thought to himself.
Through the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Nambi, a rose who had entrapped his heart in a complex bush of thorns, with her graceful beauty. Unlike him, she’d tasted so many aspects of life that her soul was completely entangled within all the elements. The water raveled whenever it sensed her tender feet caress it playfully, while the fire desperately yearned for a chance to embrace her, the winds cherishing every second of contact with her very essence and the earth distressed by the moments when her amazing walk led her away from its surface.
Heaven didn’t seem so bad anymore; as long as she was present, sharing a desire he’d never imagined before, alongside the novel animals she snuck him off to see. The antelope’s deep stare, the goat’s screaming bleat; sheep’s wool so clear that they almost blended with the light and fowls that woke to welcome the sun and its rays. The shrubs and trees bore all kinds of colors of fruits,with thick and delectable juices that made his mouth water everytime he thought about them. He found himself bemused by the simple acts of the many people in heaven. A hearty laugh would have him turning his head, looking for the source of this sound. He was entranced by the multitude of people and watching their emotions, how they freely interacted with each other. Standing akimbo, his head hanging low, he finally realized what Nambi meant at their first encounter.
“You poor soul; no one deserves to be so lonely,” she’d whispered in his ear; holding him at her bosom – arms tenderly stroking his back. Before all this, he’d been content staying with his cow; not a person in sight for miles on end. The seductive taste of milk had turned blunt over the years – a sensation he had grown accustomed to.
The idea that his co-existence with his cow could elicit such pity astounded him – it created a kind of embarrassment that oozed from his core, through flesh, only to display as distinct acts of stupidity that forced him to shrink and stutter every time he stood before Nambi.
That moment tortured his mind, drawing him back to the exact second when she uttered the words, “I know what to do; we can get married. Then I could come and stay here – with you.” His heart flattered again: exactly like it did that day. Just then, the rainbow reappeared, urging the damsel to hurry on after her brothers, who were far ahead by then.
Kintu’s daze was interrupted by a bump to his head that made him flinch. He raised a hand to his head, his face contorted with pain, in an attempt to soothe the ache that he felt would leave a bump.
He narrowed his eyes, searching for the source of the disturbance. Through the pitch black of the night, his eyes widened in terror when he thought he saw the blood shot eyes of Walumbe, staring intently at him –a look of disgust spread across his face.
“My help stops here. I’ve had enough of your stinking tasks. Let’s see how far you’ll go this time,” he scoffed.
Before he could regain his composure, an item appeared before him.
“Pick it up,” Kayikuzi barked, walking ahead with his head held high.
“Do you know what that is?” Gulu bellowed. “it’s a basket. I have a new task for you.”
To be continued next week on Wednesday
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