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Interview with DJ Dero, Best DJ Nominee in the African Social Awards Malaysia Awards

DJ Dero, our resident music kafulu was recently nominated in the Best DJ category, African Social Awards Malaysia Awards. We felt an interview with him about how he feels about this and his journey as a DJ would be the natural thing to do. You know, so you get to know him better and find even more reason to vote for him. Without wasting more time, let us dive in.

MUWADO: For those who may not know you yet, how about a brief introduction?

DERO: My full name is Derrick Mugenyi. I am 21 years old and I grew up in Uganda but I am currently pursuing my degree in Electronics at the Multimedia University in Malaysia, where I also do my Deejaying.

MUWADO: If someone wanted to catch you in action, are there any places where you play on a regular basis?

DERO: When in Uganda, I play at the Equator Bar at the Sheraton, Bubbles O’LEARY and when in Malaysia, I play at Club Vogue, Reggae Connection and Club Papparazzi.

MUWADO: In your time as a DJ, what moments have stood out for you? (Prizes, contests, shared stages with famous people)

DERO: I have shared some moments with most of the biggest Ugandan artistes, but the most outstanding was being able to Deejay for Jose Chameleone and AK47 in Malaysia.

MUWADO: You were recently nominated for Best Dj in the African Social Awards Malaysia Awards, how did that feel for you?

DERO: It felt good, I was happy my name was right there with all those other deejays.

MUWADO: How is the competition and what do you think are your chances of taking the award home?

DERO: The competition is pretty stiff. All the djs are good at what they do. But you never know, anything can happen. Its for crossing fingers.

MUWADO: When you were starting out as a DJ, did you ever think you would take it this far?

DERO: Actually, I did not think it would come this far. It just started out as me just having fun and wanting to be different from all the kids who were playing sports or doing other things in their free time.

MUWADO: As a DJ, you obviously have to play many genres of music. What is your personal taste in music? 

DERO: I listen to all kinds of music, because that’s my job. But of course I have a few genres I definitely prefer. I like me some good ol’ soul and R’n’B.

MUWADO: Do you sell any of your mixtapes, and if yes, where can one find them? 

DERO: No, I haven’t sold any mixtapes yet. The ones I have are free and can be found on my soundcloud, mediafire (jhusdero) and of course here at Muwado.

MUWADO: Which DJ’s out there do you look up to for inspiration?

DERO: I look up to DJ Rota. He is a legend and a class apart.

MUWADO: Where do you see yourself in 5 years career wise?

DERO: I see myself as an international dj crossing all boundaries.

MUWADO: Any parting words of wisdom for those trying to start out as DJs?

DERO: Just keep doing what you do, your chance will come. The sky ain’t the limit it’s just the view.

That is it people. Go vote for the man now. You can do so using this link. Create an account and lets help this young man further his career. For more awesome mixes from him, be sure to keep on checking his page here at Muwado.


Written by Rolex (8)

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