
Week_End Lineup


Ever wondered how many types or forms of “art” exist?

I can assure you…I am as blick as you. But here’s the thing, I believe art is fused in our everyday life, in the things we do as this giant globe we live on rotates. Eating is an art (i.e chopsticks), walking is an art (speed walking, catwalk), and mind you, going out to have a good time is also an art in its own paradigm. 🙂

Before you start asking the “how”, let’s get into what hit our radar this week;


When you read spoken word, I’m talking about poetry. Curiosity has it that poetry more or less is an insight of the writer’s mind; how they think, how they create or how they tell a tale with rhymes and rhythms. Nonetheless, this is another form of art that is worth experiencing.

How about the POETRY NIGHT, what say y’all?


He is a second among seven siblings whose music career officially kicked off in 2011, when he met a video director that noticed his profound talent. He is one of Uganda’s prominent dancehall, Afro and Reggae artists that have created a unique reputation for themselves. He has hits like; Gamululu, Tulikubigere, Wuuyo and Midnight Drum to mention a few.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m mumbling about the one, the only…A PASS.

Enough said, a dare to have a feel of his melodic magic at the KAMPALA SERENA HOTEL live on 31st January.


Uganda’s movie industry has come a long way and it’s heading in the right direction. Nonetheless, there are still some short comings; ranging from easy access to affordable quality equipment all the way to the copyright law.

Regardless of these shortfalls, there are names that have managed to conquer the hurdles in the industry such as Adnan Ssenkumba, Hakim Zziwa and Pretty Katende. Latest in Pretty Katende’s works is NETWORK, a film based on truths and falsehood, and the heartfelt value of trust.


There’s something about Ugandan music that speaks to you with a ten fold touch of the Ugandan heritage. I’m talking about that song that ignites both your cultural and non-cultural sides, and keeps your feet swaying from left to right.

Now picture that song with an acoustic touch and rhymes, ain’t that a rhythm worth experiencing first hand!

It’s the ROOTS peeps. 


A cocktail is a combination of alcoholic drinks with flavored syrups, tonic water and/or juice. Every country has its own famous cocktails, however, they are not limited to those countries in that they are gracefully made across the world in any events or parties. Margarita, Bloody Mary, Martini and Daquiri are some of the most famous cocktails made across the globe including Uganda.

COCKTAILS WITH AMANYA is an event that offers a unique cocktail experience with an exquisite ambience, generating unforgettable memories…whilst cocktails are in control. You know what i mean. 😉

Did you know?

Gossiping is an art form as well. The art of narrating stories lies within, an art that ladies have had in abundance with a few gents holding ranks haha. But we at WAGWIS don’t just gossip aimlessly, we gossip about the week’s event highlights ( a few) and bring them to your attention. So do not call us mean, because sharing is caring. 😉

Until next time, I remain yours truly


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Written by Wagwis (0)

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