
Wagwis Updates!


We’re yet into another week of Jan-worry and you know how it goes. Something about January that keeps you on your toes 24/7, I don’t know what it is but nevertheless, I’ll deliver feedback once i know what it is exactly.

On the other hand, let’s get right into it on this week’s lineup;


Did you know that being witty is not everyone’s cup of tea but, surely is a wish for most. If only wishes were horses. On top of being witty, imagine being wild as the cherry on top or the spice kicker for the flavor.

The Wild & Witty show has something unique to offer this Thursday and if you’re intrigued, you don’t want to miss.


Every holiday, parents have the task of dealing with their kids’ shenanigans whether it’s rule breaking or something creative that might cost you or tick you off. Well if you’re that parent or group of parents that need a breather through this long holiday, do not look left or right but just scroll right down and have a peek at the KIDS HOLIDAY CAMP slated for 2 nights and 3 days.

Now ain’t that a weekend you’d yearn for! 😉


Motiv-Bugolobi is becoming the central home for creatives in Kampala, ranging from animators, sound creatives, visual creatives and even fashionistas. These all come together in one place to exhibit their potential and share ideas with fellow creatives in the same field. Nonetheless, on the 18th, URBAN Dj has got something cooked up for y’all at Motiv, Bugolobi.

Miss if you must.

The saying goes “Time and tide wait for no man”, enjoy your youthful days and spend some ka money on your happiness before time flies by and so does your age. Henceforth, if going out for a good time is your forte then don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. W choose our own happiness. 🙂

Until next time, I remain…

Yours truly,


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Written by Wagwis (0)

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