

I last owned a Television about eight years ago, I haven’t really watched movies for a long time.

I’ve been told about Netflix but I thought that necessitated owning a TV, so I binned that idea.

It wasn’t until my young relative had a dispute with a movie soundtrack on Netflix, that my curiosity was aroused. I decided to find a way to watch this movie.

I’ve been chatting with the movie maker since the dispute, and he gave me the ropes on how to get a hold of it on my phone!

This also meant subscription fees, so I purposely subscribed to Netflix just to watch this particular movie.

I love the camera work in this movie. Beautiful work.

The picture quality too is very good. It must have taken so much skill, work and effort.

The acting too is quite impressive. They all did well.

The fact that my elder and acting guru, Actor Extraordinaire Michael Wawuyo literally says nothing in the entire movie, is a masterstroke!

Maurice Kirya Music is no surprise to me, I think he’s capable of doing just about anything he puts his mind to in the Arts. He’s a 360° kinda Artiste.

The script/story is quite intriguing, requires patience. Good scripts usually do.

My only issue was the swear words, but then again, I’m too old a git 

I didn’t get less than what I expected from a Ugandan movie; I got more; certainly more hope that they’re are on the right track.

I believe this country’s Films fraternity could and probably will, soon surpass the Music sector; not in quantity, but in quality (where it matters most).


I think it’s way harder to conceptualise, draft, script, act, record, produce a film, than it is to release a song.

Because the elements that are needed to produce and release a film are more diverse and harder to see through to fruition, that process of going through the furnace will help film-makers in this country to get better.

For the very young film industry that we have here, this was quite a commendable job.

The maker of this particular movie, Loukman Ali, has since shared with me another short film he’s released. This I’ll be watching tonight (omukwano guva mu ngabo).

I remember those Ugandan skits and short films on UTV. Were they called Centre 4? Something like that. I used to enjoy them.

There’s some kinda joy that comes from watching people that you know, or at the very least who are speaking your language and acting in places you know. It’s very relatable.

Who knows, maybe Ugandan films will lead me back to watching movies again after so many years.



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Written by TShaka Mayanja (0)

Called To Serve. Develop. Support. Promote. Produce. Lift. Live Music.☥?☥☥✊?☥.
Head Funkmaster at BlackRoots Unlimited & The Roots Warriors Of Nnalubaale

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