Episode 3
Edith recounted to me that the day father died, he had visited grandma in her small hut. She told me that he came back rushing and stopped behind my bedroom staring without blinking at the grave direction, with blood exuding from the side of his mouth. Edith went on that mother approached father and called him but he never answered. That he was trembling all over and wanted to point to the graveyard but dropped dead! She also added that when they took father inside, they found a piece of paper in his pocket written:
When I die Janer, don’t burry me next to those people. They were not my real parents. They just adopted me. They had some agreement papers in their small hut which is of wicked motives. There is a black box there. It has a buffalo horn and a python skin surrounded by red beads. It has the names of all my family members. Burn the hut and the papers before the prayer crusade takes place. Those people are bad. I had known the secret. They wanted to sa…
Edith told me that the other part of the paper was cut off. Mother had been very hostile whenever I asked her what the buffalo horn and python skin meant. She would almost knock a spoon out of my hand whenever I ask that question at meal time.
One Sunday evening when I had come back from the prayer crusade, something happened. I was happy because I was told that God is the father of the fatherless. I got encouraged that I will not be having one eye when Jesus comes back and that I would have my full sight back by then. I would not remember the troubles of the world. My fear would be gone and forever. Then I was just approaching mother’s room when I heard sobs and sighs coming from inside the room.
“Eh… eh… Lord why? Why?” she cried.
I stopped, pinned myself to the wall. I had the feeling that she was facing grandma’s spirit or even father’s spirit again.
“Lord,” she sobbed again. “I…I have loved you. With all my heart I have loved you. I never doubted you. Not for any one second. Lord all these years I was able to bear. I feel I should not suffer. He too, loves you yet you took him away. He loved me. He loved his family. He didn’t love what his mother did. He was a complete separate body.”
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