This year has been more of reflection as a writer, reader. To observe is one fundamental discipline we all must learn.
Learning observation is a best skill every creative must learn. I learned the importance of listening to my inner self after reading Puzo’s Last Don. It is a text that will torch a journey to fame. Sometimes, people benefit from this fame and get wealthy to up their standards whilst others remain with a household name but soon languish in poverty – depression, and self harm. Why this? In this novel, Puzo paints a picture of how Hollywood works. A quid pro quo currency. Sex for favours. It is demanded if you chase power.
Puzo “accidently” painted the walls of fame. I am rereading this book after Sean “Diddy” Combs arrest. This time, in an analytical manner to understand truly how prophetic some literature is. A writer can paint society of what it is. This book was written in the 20th century but it reflects the status quo of society. That to have money and fame, you must do a binding deed.
Society, even in countries we respect remains the same – dangerously exploitative especially to minors. We must be extremely protective to child-talents. As I savor the streets of this novel, again. I am optimistic that one day, people will begin looking at talent and remain professional and ethically aesthetic. In all this, as a writer. The best gift I can give to society is to observe society and write truthfully about it.
P.S: In all this, Puzo has a wonderful argument about visual creatives – the movies. He says, I will paraphrase. That movie is the simplicity form of art. That to write you must take a lot of time to think about description and its vividity. However, a movie simply flashes the scene easily to the audience. You can write pages about a scene but someone can easily record it and execute it to the fullest. Resounding tone by Mario Puzo. Haha
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