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The #HustleTales of Chris Lutanga: Photographer, Filmmaker and #iCreateTomorrow Winner

Brief Bio:

My name is Chris Lutanga. I am a 25-year old photographer and filmmaker.

Current Location?


Current gig(s)?

Working on church presentation I shot a while ago

Current computer(s)? Why this one?

MacBook Pro. Because of my kind of work, I need a computer that gives me true colours and is strong enough to handle the work. I believe there is no better computer for this than apple.

Current mobile device(s)? Why this one?

iPhone 5s 

bon_vodafone_171116-12One word that best describes how you work?

Fun, because my passion is my work.

How did you end up at your current gig?

A friend that is a member of the band asked me to shoot their worship presentation. 

Are there any career decisions/life choices/failures that were fundamental in making you the person you are now, doing what you are doing now?

I gave up a very good job that had a lot of earning potential and instead decided to follow my dream, passion and love for exploring new heights.

Is your start-up (or whatever applies here) able to fully support you or do you have side gigs to sustain you as it grows? 

Besides my film and photography, I run a small charity, even though I am not paid to run it (it’s something close to my heart) so I guess the gigs give me all that I need. 

Any stories of some of the struggles/sacrifices you’ve had to make to see this dream come to life?

Investing in good equipment is expensive but worth it in order to produce good work. 

How do you hope to leverage winning the Vodafone #iCreateTomorrow competition to take your projects to the next level?

It’s going to give me the ability to touch more lives because I will have enough material to help me do this.

It’ll also help save on the expense of hiring expensive equipment like I have been doing, and this means I will have more resources to do bigger things.

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?

Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Facebook, WhatsApp, and now Instagram

What’s your workspace like?

It’s a small desk with two laptops and a camera 

What’s your best time-saving trick/life hack?

Get a boda to run errands for you to avoid spending a lot of time in traffic.

What’s your favourite to-do list manager?

Notes on my iPhone 

What gadget can’t you live without and why?

Laptop and camera. They are my source of living. 

How do you recharge?

Listening to very loud music with my headphones, or in a pub.

What do you listen to while you work?

I love listening to Indie music. I listen to Eminem when a client is stressing me!

What are you currently reading? What usually leads you to buy a book? Books you’ve read recently that have impacted on you deeply? What kind of impact did they have?

‘As Reality Dissolves’ by Gareth Owen. This is teaching me that everything we are living is vanity and we, therefore, shouldn’t spend our lives chasing wind.

Any mentors/role models that you are working with/have inspired you and what lessons have you managed to learn from them? 

My mentor Gareth Owen believed in me even before I knew what I had and has guided me in many decisions of my adult life.

Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?

Depends on how well you know me. But I will say more of an introvert. 


What’s your sleep routine like?

95% of the time I sleep at 5am and I’m up by 8am. 

How do you strike a balance between work, family, friends and other social obligations?

Weekends are for me and family and doing my own thing.

I go out a bit when I am looking for inspiration and creating new things. 

Who else would you love to see answer these same questions?

Jono Remington Hobbs

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Live your life, as long as your happiness does not physically affect someone. Everyone is going to want you to live by their standards and that usually means putting their happiness ahead of yours.

“Son, don’t aim at pleasing people”


If you have any additional questions for Chriss, feel free to drop them in the comment section below. He will try and answer those he can. Click here to read other Hustle Tales

The Hustle Tales (adapted from LifeHackers, How I Work series) asks people that are doing epic things how they go through their daily routines to make sure whatever is needed to get the job accomplished is done. If you are interested in doing one these interviews or know someone you think should do one, inbox us with the details and we’ll see if we can make it happen.


Written by Hustle Tales (2)

The Hustle Tales (adapted from LifeHackers, How I Work series) asks people that are doing epic things how they go through their daily routines to make sure whatever is needed to get the job accomplished is done.

If you are interested in doing one these interviews or know someone you think should do one, inbox us with their details and we'll see if we can make it happen.

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