271 Views28 Comments913 Votes
in Career and Employment, Health and Medicine, Law, Crime and Justice, Politics and Government"Mujooga basajja mwe!" – The value of a 10k shilling note in this pandemic. #Stories4Health
The text came in at 10:00 pm in the night. Hey, have you seen the news today? Man, it’s crazy. It was my brother Niwarinda. This was on Sunday 17th […] More
210 Views7 Comments14 Votes
in FictionA Hibiscus for Adam #Stories4Health
I watch Hawwa water the hibiscus in the garden this morning like she had been doing for a week now, every day since Adam died. She said it was her […] More
1 Vote
in Health and MedicineHIV/AIDS: Still out there somewhere in Kalangala district
The other day I was riding on the back of a boda-boda with my favorite ‘boda guy’, Ssalongo. I am so fond of using Ssalongo that I will rearrange important […] More