A male friend of mine once asked me where we (girls) get all these tiny little belts that are running around town. Only then, after a light chuckle, did it occur to me that the waist belt was kind of out and the skinny belt was in. It may have been around for a while now, but the now much raved about and somewhat impractical little belt had to fight for its place in Kampala’s closets.

Skinny belts are an excellent way to pull your outfit together, give definition to the waistline and add abit of whimsy to your style (yeah, we often don’t dress for purposes of practicality). Whether you are the more sophisticated patent leather type, the metallic obsessed rocker chic or the earthier woven this and that collector, there is a skinny belt for you.

Styles that aren’t wider than an inch are best as thick belts tend to draw attention to fuller waists, however, those slightly over an inch work for plus size ladies by giving more proportion to one’s look. Always cinch your belt in one hole more than physically possible to avoid looking tacky while your sides spill over a tightly tied belt.

With belts, one size fits all so it may have a long tail, simply secure the excess bit with double stick tape. Again I say, skinny belts are not meant to be practical so it won’t serve to hold your pants up. Choose belts with smaller buckles as bigger ones may overshadow the tiny strip of belt and throw your look off. It is handy to have a universal belt that can go with any outfit, for instance, in black, white, cream or brown.
It is not a bad idea to sit down while you have your ritual morning conversation with your mirror to see what may need adjusting. We rarely account for this, trust me; I have used enough taxis to know.