The Mushroom can be plucked out by the ground using one hand. It does look weak and brittle, right? And yet, a Mushroom can dig itself into the ground, where you would need to use a tool to dig.
That same Mushroom can withstand heavy rains and storms, and remain standing, where you wouldn’t. This is what our Ancestors call ‘Obwamuwanga wansi ne mu bbanga/waggulu”.
Bbanga is a place/department in the sphere, and waggulu (above) is actually two words; Wa Ggulu, which too is a place/department in the sphere (mu bwengula).
There is a lot of loose inaccurate talk that suggests that our Ancestors here knew nothing about Creation and Science, maybe because they didn’t wear lab coats and have laboratories.
You’ll be surprised how much they know. While some wrote on stone walls others didn’t and only shared orally.
Mayanja, Katonga, Lweera, Ssezibwa; do you know why they’re known as Abalongo (Twins)?
Petulance, insolence, disregard and disrespect for Creation and Nature’s order is a very big mistake humanity keeps making.
Separation, distance, masking, injections are all putting the cart before the horse.
Settle down, think about Nature’s order then do everything possible to respect and stick to it.
The alternative is to leave this planet altogether, if we think we can do better, and create another planet elsewhere for us to live.
The Third Force Will Restore Sanity for sure, but in the meantime, there will be no respite until we reclaim and respect the knowledge of nature’s order that those who were here first, had.
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