This is a long read….Just so you know!
There’s something that Facebook netizens do that has irked me for a while now. I just hadn’t yet gotten the time to write about it.
It all starts with a friend request or a follow, a few likes here, a couple of comments there, a dozen compliments or so…
The next thing you know, this individual is in your DMz laying before you all their earthly problems and asking you for money. This could be as low as 20k or as much as 500k.
Now, for a seasoned worldly person like me, who has been through a ton of shit than I care to tell tales about, the first thing I’m going to sniff from this, is that its a targeted message. You went through my profile, analysed my posts and figured that I could be an easy target for your planned exploitation. Why me?
Now this is where you’re wrong. Your deductions are are false as a Hollywood movie.
I’m not as gullible as you’ve summarised. I’ve learnt from my many mistakes in the past and it’d be foolhardy of me to dismiss my own friend’s experiences with similar people who had similar sob stories.
This one time I helped out someone with a pity party story. They laid themselves bare as they cried out to me for help with promises of paying back as soon as they could. My heart was so touched that I immediately sent the amount that they were asking for. That very evening, this person put up a post on their profile that someone had hacked them and had gone around asking for money from their friends. She even took time out to message me and say sorry to me about how she’d read her DMz and discovered that I was one of the people who’d been conned. I just shook my head in utter disbelief. Something was so off about this whole thing.
As we say nowadays, the “handwriting” of the supposed conartist and this individual were so similar! Writing style of a person is something that you take note of overtime especially if you’ve interacted with them overtime. Despite it all, I cut my losses and laid it to rest in my heart.
A few years back, another individual mmessaged a friend about his mother, who’d just died in hospital, but due to accumulated bills, the hospital had held on to the deceased’s body till all was cleared. This person claimed that they desperately needed help. Once Klaus showed me that texts, I immediately warned him of the scam that I had fallen for years back. He instead made a post about it and asked such characters to keep out of his DMz. To our shock, just an hour after the post, that same account came out to say that his page had been hacked and these scammers were claiming his mum had died and hence asking people for money. His story was so off too. Because he’d come out on Klaus’ post calling him out, quoting Islamic scripture pertaining to helping those in need.
From then on, I’ve been mostly ignoring begging messages as simply targeted exploitation by online strangers. When and if I do Charity, it’s to people that I’ve seen and selected myself and you’ll never see a post about it on here unless the person makes the post themselves thanking me and the like.
But recently, the pity party messages are at an all time high.
Now a woman like me who wakes up and works hard on a daily basis for herself and her children, I sometimes do not understand these women who don’t want to work but feel so entitled to other people’s money! I say this and quote me on this, I can do any type of work to sustain myself and my family. I’m so handy with many things and my mum taught me so many skills that if one fails, I immediately pick up another. I have no time to wallow in self pity and I have no time to play victim. I’m nobody’s victim. It’s all my own choices, good or bad in my life that I’ve led me to where I am today.
I’m one for tough love. If you’re a single mother of three, lack what to eat, your husband abandoned you, why are you having more children for heaven’s sake? I also want more children. Am I having them? No. Why? Take a wild guess! Its because I can’t afford them!
Why don’t you go around your neighbourhood asking to wash people’s clothes to earn at least 20k daily to feed your children? Why aren’t you going around different sites asking to porter and earn at least 15k daily?
No, you have very high standards and you can’t be seen doing menial jobs like the rest of us. You want to sleep and wake up at midday, buy data and start texting us who work graveyard shifts asking for 50k. 50k from 10 people is 500k.
You want us to read your begging messages, with our feet swollen from standing for several hours, our eyes weary with sleep and bogged down with eyebags, our hands swollen from icing so many cakes, to use those very hands even before we enjoy an ounce of our coins to instead send it to you? What kind of entitlement is this?!
What would make you think that I work that hard to give my coins out to however asks for them? Do you know the problems I may have in my life at that particular moment? Do you know how much I need to solve them? You may need an urgent 20k when I need an urgent 20M, should I also go around messaging people to help me?
And these specific beggars can be also terrible human beings as I came to learn recently from several experiences that my friends have gone through. There’s a lady here and on Tiktok selling Kids Gadgets. This lady used to help all and sundry. Whenever there was a sob story on this app or Tiktok, she’d be over there helping, giving money by the millions. Then one day these very people she used to help ganged up against her and nearly led to the collapse of her business.
I was genuinely horrified. But see the heaven’s don’t forget good turns, so she’s still as blessed.
Then recently a colleague of mine on here told me a story of how he was attacked over rice, I think. I hear this person had bought under salted rice from his restaurant which made her sick or something like that, I dont quite recall the storyline. It was almost unbelievable, the same person attacking him and his business had messaged him a year before dying from starvation and desperately needed some free food. He had immediately responded and sent her food. If he hadn’t showed me the screenshots, I swear I wouldn’t have believed it. This was now the same person lynching him. Again I was horrified. Some of you people are not good people at all.
I can go on and on about these experiences but I’m now tired of typing. Maybe I’ll do a video about it. I don’t know. I’m just fed up of these sob story messages. Please withhold from sending them to me. Next time I’ll post without the names blacked out. We don’t know each other like that.
I may not be in the same struggle as you but it’s nonsensical to imagine that there’s a living person who doesn’t have a single problem.
The only difference is that you will never find me wallowing and lamenting about what I do not have. I only give thanks for what I do HAVE, as I pray that the heaven’s bless me with more. That’s why I’m happier than you. It’s only a grateful heart that gets more…and more …..
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