In 1992, I was in Primary 7 in Arua Demonstration School. I very much wanted to become an Aeronautical Engineer. So to be able to make that, I needed to ensure I was good in Mathematics. We have this teacher who would coach students mathematics after classes.
The Rich students could afford the coaching fee. They were able to be admitted. I couldn’t be.
I decide to stand outside and attend the lessons through the window. One evening, when the teacher spotted me, he told the class to check how that boy is using your money. The whole class came out to chase me. The abuses that followed was serious.
I cried up to home. My father explained to me that coaching is for those who are dull and not hard working.
He told me to work hard and smart, You will succeed.
Ever since that time, my understanding of success was based on this situation. Success largely depends on your individual capacity. Your willingness to work hard without excuses will see you succeed.
I don’t believe in excuses of whatever nature.
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