Make that next step by failing.
I failed in my teens, twenties, and forties. Failure has never defined me. I failed to get government sponsorship at university even after doing everything possible. I Missed government sponsorship by a whisker. I did not give up. I found alternative ways to attain university education. Even when I joined university, I was not financially able to have actual accommodation for 3 years.
Do not let failure suffocate your destiny. You are responsible for silencing what has failed in your life. Failure is not final. We must fail forward. Write down five greatest inventions in this world. All these inventions were as a result of people failing countless times. We cannot ignore failure. Failure happens to us all like rain and sunshine in varying degrees. How we react to it is what makes a difference. We must continually walk through it all by failing forward.
At the 19th Edition of Against All Odds Talks on Saturday the 6th of February 2021 themed “Failing Forward”, the Guest Speaker, Oltesh Thobias said “Failure is not necessarily failure but a journey to getting you to have your goals and purpose in life.’ Oltesh challenged participants to keep waking up and dressing up even when they were experiencing failure.
Are you constantly failing? What happens every time you fail? Normalise failing forward by embracing and befriending failure to succeed. Remember failure is where we spend most of the time. As you fall down, you are moving forward. It is important that you do not give up.
Doubt will always be there but let your dreams override it. Everybody fails and failure is not enjoyable, but it is your stepping stone to the next level. Keep trying and fail forward. Your doubt and fear should not stop you from making a difference. Fear and doubt is part of our DNA. Wherever you go into a new area you will experience it.
Real failure is failing to handle failure. What you believe about failure will determine whether you get out of that failure or not. Failure is a test. Failure and success move hand in hand. When you manage failure properly, success will show up but If you handle Success badly, failure can show up.
I did try all jobs including selling crude gin as a young girl just to get school fees so I would have an education. Do not be the person who tries once and goes away the moment they have a bad experience. Find out why you failed and what it takes not to fail again. The challenge we have is we only ask once, and we give up suddenly. Grow through your failures. After I got a disabling accident, I turned my pain into purpose. The painful accident awakened my search for meaning and purpose, and I can say confidently that I am now living my purpose.
Betty Ogiel
Life coach ,author ,and HR practitioner
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