Maurice Kirya had a show last week on Thursday at the Kamapla Serena that I somehow managed to miss because I thought it was on Friday. This was despite all the pre-show Social Media buzz and the billboards around town that had the correct date indicated. I know, I am an idiot! We can confidently confirm that now, stamp it and put it in my CV right next to my mad skills in accumulating dirty utensils. Anywaaaayy, away from my thickness upstairs, Maurice Kirya did his thing, filled the room, sang bra and pantie removing music, made a MTV MA awards entry to the stage and basically rocked his fans. Rumor has it some fans hid inside the hall till the next morning because they thought they were going to have to pay more money while exiting since the entertainment value was like thrice the door charge.
Now, you might be wondering how I know all this considering I have just confessed I wasn’t there. Duh, I am from the planet Krypton and I have the ability to see through buildings. Yes, really! In addition to that, I am also extremely talented at following twitter trending topics, and embedding tweets. I therefore present how the show went down according to Ugandans on twitter using the hashtags #KiryaLive2013 and #KiryaLive
It starts…
Hey guys! I am so excited to meet u all tonight, what song can’t you wait to sing along to? #KiryaLive
— Maurice Kirya (@mauricekirya) July 18, 2013
Just booked my #KiryaLive2013 tickets. Happiness #Mwooyo — Siima K Sabiti (@kanyindo) June 1, 2013
“@Aya_princy: This FOMO for #KiryaLive2013 will be the death of some of us” hehe.. Bambi — Bernoe|Lule_™ (@iam_BernoeL) July 18, 2013
Some more Fan Art for the deadly @mauricekirya concert that’s coming our way! #KiryaLive2013 — Osama Eid (@tentacle001) May 13, 2013
#KiryaLive2013 #Mwooyo I have waited too long for this and now it’s finally here #BeThere… — Onyait Odeke (@Eristaus) July 12, 2013
Malaria?! That wouldn’t be much of a surprise though. Ugandan artists have strange creative juices when it comes to stage names.
This drummer is amazing!! I think his name is malaria. I think… @mauricekirya @ClubPilsener #KiryaLive2013
— Mister Deejay (@misterdeejayug) July 18, 2013
Sound of Music.
@paulmusaali Draz and Makara be celebs 🙂 sanchu @mauricekirya #KiryaLive2013
— Imelda Mugoya (@ImeldaMugoya) March 18, 2013
There was a Kenyan chap nailing things.
#KiryaLive Kenya’s @aaronRimbui nailed it! #KiryaLive2013 — Daphne Ndahagire ♡♥♡ (@Da4Daphne) July 19, 2013
The man truly loves his fans.
Concert of the year done #KiryaLive2013 Next is my birthday…oh wait I got to peck the man himself @mauricekirya on stage. Thank u Maurice — Olyv Telma Kweberaho (@HighRollerOne) July 19, 2013
The music inspired interesting words.
Musical-Jaculation at @mauricekirya‘s #KiryaLive #KiryaLive2013 Last night @SerenaHotels @Kiryafans
— KingBrian (@KingBrian91) July 19, 2013
#KiryaLive People are so many, seats are done so many have resorted to sitting down. So much love for Maurice Kirya!
— UGO Uganda (@UgoUganda) July 18, 2013
The #KiryaLive2013 nice show 🙂 @uzakom @bugingosharon c.c @mauricekirya
— Philip (@mbwenu_nyowe) July 18, 2013
And some people where left with no option but to feed on saliva.
At @serenahotels Kla during #KiryaLive, the price of beer fluctuated between 8,000 and 12,000 based on the waiter one sent.
— Stone Atwine (@StoneAtwine) July 23, 2013
You mean you had some doubts?
#KiryaLive2013 The backup vocals are soooo..on point, the setting is wonderful and maaan!! The MAN can sing @mauricekirya — Evelyn Masaba (@NoirEnBlanca) July 18, 2013
#KiryaLive stage was designed by Maurice Kirya, nothing is impossible if you dream! — Maurice Kirya (@mauricekirya) July 23, 2013
Performing Mulembe Gwa Kirya right now, fans are going crazy. #KiryaLive #DoitDifferent — Club UG (@ClubPilsener) July 18, 2013
There was some premature activity. People were not amused.
crap! show is over? the moon ain’t even out yet. #KiryaLive2013 — shameless (@HisNinjaness) July 18, 2013
YES!! Countrywide tour Oyee! Hands up all those that second the motion.
@mauricekirya hw abt a countrywide tour of #KiryaLive2013
— Bonny Bent (@BentBonny) July 20, 2013
For more epic pictures from the show, check out Maurice Kirya’s Facebook Page or follow his twitter account to stay updated on what other cool stuff he has cooking.
This was a very beautiful show. Keep up the good work Maurice Kirya Music.