
I am afraid to tell the world I am a virgin.

I am scared of telling the world I am a virgin, because of the way everyone will look at me,
The way they will treat me, the way they will relate with me.
I am afraid because each time I do, I am looked at as an alien,
An alien from an almost extinct planet, like I am an outcast.
I am afraid of the names I will be called,
‘Foolish, naïve, selfish, boring and backward.
I fear how everyone will consider me unrealistic, far from common reality.

I am afraid to tell the World how much I wish to wait till marriage,
I am scared no guy will want to date me, to patiently wait for me,
‘I mean what’s the point in dating her if she will not lay down with you?’ they say
They say they will leave me because I cannot prove my love enough,
I am not woman enough.

As a man, it’s even harder for me to reveal this my beautiful secret,
Look I am a man, I ought to be macho enough, strong enough, experienced enough,
With this my virginity, I have no right to manhood,
No right to be called a MAN.

It’s hard, so hard to be a virgin in this century,
Our so-called ‘modern’ highly sexualized 21st century,
‘To wait till marriage,’ is considered out of date, but
I choose to do it and tell the World to do it
Because, it is beautiful, it is fulfilling, it is worth much more than any treasure on earth.

I choose to take this path because I know love is not all about sex,
Love is much more than that.
Because as a woman, my father has created my body beautifully,
Not to be treated like any common sexual object.
He has created much more beauty on the inside of me,
‘Be careful’, what you see brother this body you focus so much on will blind you from the love I’ve got to offer…
The love my body shells, The love my father flourishes each passing day.

I choose to be the only male virgin there is because I know being a man,
Is not about how many girls I have slept with,
How soon I lost it or to whom I lost it to,
Being a man is about, self-control, responsibility and selflessness.
Choosing to treat your lady like royalty and not any common sexual object,
Because her father meant for her to be, ‘a princess’.
I choose to be that man that my father wants me to be,
Because my father high above, is the best example I will ever have
To be a man!

So today, I choose to tell the world, I AM A VIRGIN,
I will no longer be afraid of this my status.
I choose to tell the World about it and stand firm on my decision to wait..
To wait for that right time, to wait for that right person,
That I know my father high above, has prepared just for me,
Only me. I choose to wait, wait even when it seems so hard,
Will you?


Written by Irene Esther Mutuzo (0)

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