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#HustleTales Podcast Ep 11: Patrick Sam – MD Creative Culture Ivestments, Former Chair National Arts Council of Namibia, Poet, Broadcast Jounalist…

Welcome to the tenth episode of the #HustleTales podcast. With this podcast, we are focusing on telling the stories of African entrepreneurs and professionals, the hurdles they have jumped to make sure their undertaking stay afloat, the challenges they’ve experienced and how they dealt with them. The podcast is an extension of the #HustleTales Interview Series.

In this episode, our guest is Patrick Sam. Patrick Sam, the thought leader, is born in the capital of Namibia, Windhoek. As a Fulbright Scholar, he completed an MA in International & Transcultural Studies majoring in International Education Development from Teachers College, Columbia University. He is the former Chairperson of the National Art Council of Namibia (NACN) and an honorary member from 2016-2023. He has recently launched, Creative Culture Investments (CCI), and as the founding Managing Director, he is enhancing the collective imagination on public and private investment in the Cultural & Creative Sector.

As an international development expert, public policy specialist and broadcasting journalist, Patrick, has extensive experience in human development also specialising in cultural policy. He founded the Arts Summit of Southern Africa (ASSA) with the NACN; addressing the significance of investment in the CCS at national, regional and international levels. He’s been a broadcasting journalist with over 20 years’ experience, a poet and activist on local and global platforms. He has worked for the Government of the Republic of Namibia, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, EU, USAID, Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID), other Foundations and many more public, private and civil society organisations. He advocates for interventions preserving, protecting & promoting cultural diversity as a global public good.

Listen in to hear about the history of Namibia, his work in broadcast media, with the National Arts Council of Namibia and his thoughts on Africanness and the critical role of our cultures. This was recorded in Namibia as part of the #MuwadoSADCtour.

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Written by Rolex (8)

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