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#HustleTales Podcast Ep 08: Kagayi Ngobi, Poet & Publisher

Welcome to the eighth episode of the #HustleTales podcast. With this podcast, we are focusing on telling the stories of African entrepreneurs and professionals, the hurdles they have jumped to make sure their businesses stay afloat, the failures they’ve experienced and how they dealt with them. The podcast is an extension of the #HustleTales Interview Series.

In this episode, our guest is Kagayi Ngobi, a prolific Ugandan poet and co-founder of Kitara Nation. Listen in to hear about their journey building a professional poetry career and starting a poetry publishing business.

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Written by Rolex (8)

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  1. Wow this is good I am just a beginner podcaster. I create content for the young people, the youth because we are at a critical stage in our life. Anything we do now can create a huge impact on one’s future.

    So I beg that in future you create an EP to guide people as me, who are upcoming in podcasting. Thank you.

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