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Embracing Change: A Path Forward for Ugandan Rugby

Ugandan Rugby, a sport rooted in amateurism, stands at a crossroads, poised for transformation into a professional and sustainable endeavor. The urgency to elevate the status of players, coaches, support staff, and the sport as a whole cannot be overstated. As we navigate this critical juncture, it is imperative to consider a more holistic and community-oriented approach that departs from the relentless pursuit of modernity.

Firstly, a fundamental shift in perspective is required from the leadership of the Uganda Rugby Union (URU). Rather than the reliance on ad-hoc initiatives, a collaborative and transparent strategy must be devised in consultation with all stakeholders. This involves empowering regional Unions—Northern, Central, Eastern, and Western—to manage the sport within their geographical areas autonomously. Borrowing insights from successful models like South Africa’s regional Unions is a wise step to forge a sustainable path forward.

Central to this transformation is the allocation of resources that enables regional Unions to operate efficiently. Creating commercial divisions within these Unions to generate revenue can provide a reliable stream of funds. The participation of all clubs, contributing through membership fees, would ensure equitable financial support for the growth of the sport.

Furthermore, democratizing the decision-making process can facilitate real progress. By using the regional Unions as the foundation for URU elections, and embracing a one-club-one-vote principle, the pitfalls of gerrymandering can be avoided, fostering a more equitable rugby community.

Ugandan Rugby’s accessibility is a key factor for its development. Emulating the success of countries like Madagascar, where rugby is embraced by a diverse cross-section of society, is a noteworthy aspiration. This involves making merchandise affordable and catering to the broader population, rather than targeting a select few.

While the sport’s 7s version moves across the nation, it’s crucial to anchor it within the local community to ensure organic growth. Achieving this requires cultivating a fan base that passionately supports the game.

In a digital age, leveraging technology is paramount. The absence of a unified online presence, common hashtags, and national team merchandise is a missed opportunity. By capitalizing on media rights, Ugandan Rugby can tap into modernity while retaining its unique identity.

Guiding young players on a comprehensive journey from school rugby to club level is essential. Establishing university leagues and nurturing players for the long term can counter the issue of early burnout. Moreover, addressing the challenges of brain drain, where talented individuals exit the sport for more lucrative opportunities, must be a priority. This can be achieved by creating appealing professional pathways within rugby.

Finally, transparency and accountability must be upheld. Resolving lingering concerns of sexual misconduct and making consistent decisions are vital for gaining the trust of sponsors and the public alike.

In the pursuit of modernity, Ugandan Rugby can’t afford to lose its essence. By critically evaluating its path and considering innovative alternatives, the sport has the potential to blossom into a professional endeavor while maintaining its roots in the community.

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Written by Musanjufu Benjamin Kavubu (0)

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