
Conquering Mt. Kipipiri

Hiking Mt. Kipipiri turned out to be an exhilarating adventure! It was a spontaneous decision since I needed to complete my third hike of the year (my goal being 12 hikes for 2023). I was uncertain of the destination and the hiking companions as my gym friends were unavailable at the time.

After conducting thorough research on the Internet, I discovered that Mt. Kipipiri was considered a moderate hike. Having successfully conquered and thoroughly enjoyed the more challenging Elephant Hill, my sole objective for this hike was to reach the summit without taking any breaks. I am delighted to announce that I achieved this personal milestone, and the feeling was incredible!

However, despite the incredible experience, my friends and I ended up getting lost for nearly 45 minutes. Surprisingly, we were oblivious to having veered off the main track until a guide hired by a Norwegian couple pointed it out to us. Navigating through rough and unforgiving shrubs is always part of the hiking experience, but I must admit, it is my least favorite aspect of hiking. Although we had a guide from the Kenya Forest Service with us, he unfortunately decided to proceed ahead with a faster group instead of waiting for us (even though we were just a few steps behind). Later, he explained that it was his usual practice. From this incident, I learned the significance of having a local guide. I have hiked with them before, and they never leave anyone behind, always ensuring everyone’s safety.

I shared this experience with a seasoned hiker who informed me that Mt. Kilimanjaro has very well-defined trails. He has also climbed Mt. Kenya, which he described as a survival test for the fittest. This discussion led us to reviewing various hiking trails in the Mt. Kenya region. How I wish that counties in Mt. Kenya Region possibly through the Central Region Economic Bloc (CEREB), would invest more in tourism. Although most hiking trails in our region are marked with ribbons, the specific area where we got lost had no ribbons at all (and the Kenya Forest Service is aware of this but hasn’t taken any action). I wonder what it would take for them to invest in proper signage, similar to what we encountered at Elephant Hill. As a result, my friends and I have made a commitment to carry ribbons with us on future hikes and replace any missing ones we come across. I might even consider leading a campaign to raise funds for proper signage on hiking trails throughout the country. Recently, there was a distressing incident where two ladies got lost in Rurimeria on a Saturday and were only found on Monday, requiring a rescue mission involving a team of experts from Mt. Kenya.

Despite the challenges, I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything! My determination to hike and reach the summit without breaks paid off, and it was truly rewarding. Up there, I always treat myself to a can of pineapples, which tastes even more amazing in that setting.

As we enter the second half of 2023, let’s continue to push ourselves and achieve our goals! This hike has taught me that everything we desire is within reach, and remember, we will never walk alone.

Wishing you all a joyful new month filled with God’s blessings.



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Written by Wanjuhi Njoroge (1)

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