706 Views1 Comment2 Votes
in Family, Friends and Relationships, FictionKintu and Nambi; A Tender Farewell #29
639 Views102 Comments184 Votes
in Fiction, Health and MedicineEndangered By Lockdown #Stories4Health
It was exactly nine-thirty in the morning. The atmosphere was bright, noisy and gay. The morning sun was still tender to the skin as it rose from the East with […] More
3 Votes
in Family, Friends and Relationships, Fiction, Health and MedicineLog Entry 180; Day X Of Lockdown #Stories4Health
“Hello lover,” she whispered in hushed tones At least; I thought she did. My eyes lids attempted to tear open as the queer scent of a metallic concoction struck my […] More
1 Vote
in Education and Academia, Fiction, Identity & Culture“Women and Girls MUST not eat chicken. And eggs!”: Mutesi’s days of old.
“Who determines the devil of the day?” I was asked. “Is it the state of affairs? God? Men of all inequities?” She continued to quest for an answer. Mutesi […] More
262 Views1 Comment1 Vote
in Family, Friends and Relationships, Fiction, General or OtherKintu and Nambi; The Final Task #28
Continued from; The Key to all Wars #27 By Mutebi Wilson “Almighty Gulu roars! All hail Gulu! Almighty Gulu roars!” Before me, stood the mad crowd as father stepped forward and […] More
in Comics and Manga, Family, Friends and Relationships, FictionThe Still Wonder, Volume 1 – Falling Upwards
The Still Wonder is an illustrated book that some friends and I remotely compiled and which is now available as an e-book (Text/Whatsapp Gabe on +256 771 686 545, Only […] More
203 Views3 Votes
in FictionKintu and Nambi; The First Task #10
210 Views7 Comments14 Votes
in FictionA Hibiscus for Adam #Stories4Health
I watch Hawwa water the hibiscus in the garden this morning like she had been doing for a week now, every day since Adam died. She said it was her […] More
145 Views2 Comments
in Family, Friends and Relationships, Fiction, NSFWWhat does your personal devil look like?
In my dreams last night, I had a girl in my room and we were fooling around on the bed, high as kites on various substances. The clothes started flying […] More
154 Views9 Comments13 Votes
in Family, Friends and Relationships, Fiction“Raw”: An Excerpt from Elijah’s Diary #MuwadoLoveLetter20
[ Fiction ] Elijah’s Diary. Entry Title “Raw.” Time: Undated. There’s a soft, pale moon glowing outside. It’s not quite the full moon we loved so much, but it’s almost […] More
432 Views7 Comments11 Votes
in FictionKintu and Nambi: The meeting #1
By Mugabe Victor Love; love is only a word until one sees her face. And fate, fate is only word; or so I thought My father is a god. The […] More
453 Views5 Comments4 Votes
in FictionKintu and Nambi; WaLuMbE #8
282 Views2 Votes
in Fiction, Writing and LiteratureSons of the gods #1
PLEASE NOTE Shwenkuru is Grandfather in Runyankole Jajja is a title for the elderly in Luganda Tap…tap…tap, the sound of the ebbing storm greeted my ears. It was the peak […] More
280 Views2 Votes
in Fiction, Transportation & Transport VesselsHow to gracefully fall off a boda boda.
You know how it is on those boda boda commutes…every once in a while, you end up sharing the journey with someone who seems to be going in the same […] More
196 Views1 Comment1 Vote
in Family, Friends and Relationships, Fiction, General or Other, Identity & Culture, Law, Crime and Justice, Religion and Spirituality, Writing and LiteratureATYAP: A fair fight.
Two more seconds and poor Umar would have soiled his clothes with the watery mess of bad beans he had eaten for lunch. He dashed across the grass fields of […] More
106 Views2 Comments1 Vote
in Family, Friends and Relationships, Fiction‘I Was Wondering…Could You Hold Me Now?’ (A Valentine’s Day Tale, Part II)
DISCLAIMER: Like most things involving love, this is a work of fiction. Brenda set the living room coffee table with a practiced ease that made her wistful. She had planned […] More