We watched the just concluded highly charged ULS elections.
One Lesson I learnt: Very many People are tired of the treatment by the professional bodies.
So, here’s to the professional bodies learning from ULS’s electrifying escapade:
– The Rebellion:
Just like any oppressed system in the cosmos, if you push too hard without giving back, expect a rebellion. This might not involve lightsabers or starships, but the effect of losing member trust can be just as devastating. Of what value are you to your members?
– Embrace Change:
Like a spaceship adapting to new galaxies, evolve your practices. Election processes should be as If modern and accessible as the latest hyperdrive technology.
– Listen to the Echoes:
The voices of your members are like echoes in the vastness of space; they tell you where the dangers lie. Ignore them, and you might just find yourself on a collision course with an asteroid of your own making.
– Keep it Light:
Remember, even in the seriousness of governance, a bit of humor and humility goes a long way. No one likes a body so full of its own gravity that it collapses into a black hole of pomposity.
Of what Value are you to your members? How are you benefitting them? Do the non members want to Join due to passion for the group or due to being forced?
Let’s think deeper.
Joel Aita
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