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5 men that have greatly impacted my life positively to be a man among men.

A man is not merely a man but a man among men, in a world of men. Being good at being a man has more to do with a man’s ability to succeed with men and within groups of men than it does with a man’s relationship to any woman or any group of women. When someone tells a man to be a man, they are telling him to be more like other men, more like the majority of men, and ideally more like the men whom other men hold in high regard.

There 5 men that have greatly impacted my life positively and made me want to be man among men.

1st is the awesome Pst. David Nwanyi. 

I was introduced to this great man by my late mom in 1992. When my father had passed on. Was still at Namilyango and Pastor took me under his wings. He always wrote me letters to find out how I was doing at school. In fact, he was the first person to ever write to me a personal letter with my full name. He posted it through post office and one day while on assembly in the evening Mr.Kassajja came with a bunch of letters and mine was one of them. I felt big receiving a letter. I will never forget that moment. He built a relationship with me at such an early stage. He became a father to me when I had no father. In fact, many parents who have had their sons in my program have seen me write letters to their boys and wonder how I do it how I get the energy to write more than 500 letters every term. Well here’s where it all started. It’s this amazing man, Pst. David Nwanyi. who gave me the inspiration. One time I visited him and he pulled out a file of old letters that I replied to him with my broken English ? .

Another thing I remember about him is that for all those years, he knew that I was Catholic but he never tried to convert me. I was still in the seminary and he loved me the way I am. As I grew up he gave me time. He gave me time to make my own decision and I accepted Christ 2004. He was happy and he loved me even more. It’s from him that I learnt to study the Bible word by word.

2nd is a man called Paul MWESIGWA (Uncle Paul). 

Though we don’t talk now I have so much respect for this man. I met him in 2004 when I had just given my life to Jesus. I joined children’s ministry at Victory Church and he spotted me. By then he was leading Liberty Children’s Church but he had a kid’s show on Impact FM every Sunday. Without a doubt, he invited me into the program. He gave me space to try my abilities in children ministry. He taught me to present on radio. Uncle Paul taught me what’s all about Children’s ministry.

One time he organized a children’s camp and he asked me to be one of the coordinators. This was my first camp and what he did them impacted my life forever and ever. He’s a man who believed in me and I pray God blesses him in whatever he does. I heard he’s now the Country Manager of Operation Christmas Child. He’s a noble man.

3rd person who impacted my life is the awesome Mr. Stephen Magimbi. 

I have no words to express how this man changed me.

He spotted me in 2006 and called me to lead children’s ministry at Mild Care Parents School. He trusted me, paid my tuition every year and in addition gave me a salary. Will never forget when I received my first pay of 67k in a brown envelope. This man took me on as a father. He made me part of his family. He challenged me to come up with programs for the children at the school since Saturdays and Sundays were mine to plan for. He gave me authority.Mr.Magimbi taught me people management. He taught me how to handle every individual in their own category. He taught me the politics of people since the school had very many parents. 

I was in my 20s then and he assigned me the 1st Public Relations Officer. He even gave me a big office, bought me 6 shirts and 4 trousers so I can look decent when talking to parents. He wanted me to be better so he made me the Spoke’s Person of the school. Each time I sat in his car, he was talking good service. He taught me Customer Care. Because he was working in the bank, I will never forget when he picked bank Customer Care training manuals and gave them to me to read in 3 months. Gosh!!

Mr. Magimbi will always be a bright start in life. He gave me a platform to be good much as I had a lot of inconsistencies in my behaviour as a young man. I love him so much. He even called me last week but I missed his call. Will call him back tomorrow.

4th person who impacted my life is the amazing Sendagire Rhyz Charles.

This man added so much to my life. I met him in 2009 and was under his mentorship for 4yrs. He’s the first person who taught me financial discipline.

Mr. Sendagire could not give you a shilling for free. You had to first work for it and earn it. Even when he took you out for lunch, he reminded you to pay your bill from your wallet. Even up-to-now, he won’t allow laziness. He taught me how to have an account in the bank and how to save money.

One time he sent me to bank for him 61 million shillings at dfcu. (He spoke in words that it’s 61m but in reality, it was short by 50k) Jesus, I sweated with that money. Reached the bank counted it 12 times but each time, I was short by with 40k, or 80k or 50k. Got fed up and accepted to bank what I thought I had. When I returned he asked me how much did I bank, told him 61m, then he laughed. He knew that it was short by 50k which I had added from my pockets but he wanted me to learn money ethics. He pointed out that I should have counted the money before I left his sight but he refunded my money.

Charles is a very rich person in wealth and wisdom. The other thing I learnt from him is never to rush in life. Don’t try to get everything at once. You’ll crush. He believes in a step by step achievement. He’s the proprietor of Uganda Junior League and Muscle Group of Companies. I love him.

5th person is the amazing Pst. Joseph Sekisaka. 

I met him in 2005 and till to date, I can’t get enough of him. He’s the man who taught me how to pray and move heavens.

He always pushed me to move big things in prayer. He one time told me that the more time you spend in prayer at night the more people you’ll impact during day. Pst. Joseph is a Prayer General and each time he calls me, it’s about reminding me to pray. He never believes in praying for someone. He wants you to do it yourself. Without his mentorship in prayer, I wouldn’t be this far.

These are the men that have impacted my life. A man needs good men around him to teach him how to be a man. No man can teach himself to be a real man. A man needs men. I have many respected male friends but these five can speak to my life.

The small things they did in my life made me what I am today. Even though I didn’t appreciate them in those days, I now know it was for good.

Now here’s the thing. Your brother, cousin or male friend might be struggling today but have you tried to connect him to someone who can believe in him? Our society puts a lot of effort on judging but no effort in helping. Open your heart to someone and believe in them. Look at what they’re good at not what they’re failing at. It’s because they believed in me that I believe in many others.

This week we have another fishing trip for young men 18+. Feel free to send or connect your struggling brother to our group. Maybe it will help. You never know. Let him come and we talk, laugh as we challenge each other. He won’t stay the same. Let’s believe in him.

Maybe that’s what he needs to launch.

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Written by Godfrey Kutesa (0)

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  1. This is a very powerful testimony, if I may call it. The sad bit is; not many parents realize the need for this kind of exposure and training, I am slowing learning from great men as well, and just like you I have been fortunate to have one whose taken me in as a son, and his both rich in wisdom and wealth.

  2. Hi Godfrey
    I enjoyed your essay.It is very courageous of you to boldly say what you say.So good to know that these men were believers in our saviour Jesus Christ and that made the difference.They were impacted by love for others and now you do the same for others.He loved us while we were yet sinners.What a friend we have in Jesus!