So today marks my last day at Cheki Uganda (and, a journey that has played a big part in my early working life. I’ve possibly learnt more about life and work in 5 years than I did in 22 years leading up to the start of that journey. Yes, there have been many ups and downs, but I’m happy to report that it has been a joyous journey with a massive positive impact on my life. The world today is awash with so much material on how to make money, be successful, have healthy relationships, be happy and so on. As usual, I shall weigh in on this with my tips that you didn’t ask for, but with a broader perspective on living a meaningful life, in and outside of the workplace.
1. Be good to yourself and your environment
As you push yourself to be better and achieve more, it’s important to learn that you will make many mistakes, “fail” many times and possibly hurt people in the process. In my experience, these are the best opportunities to learn more about yourself and come back even better. You need to be aware of the impact of your actions on yourself and others & then forgive yourself and move on.
It is also important to be good to other people by respecting them and wishing them well. Don’t be afraid to admit you’re wrong. Your character is defined by how you treat people that you feel can do nothing for you; you never know when you’ll need them.
2. Work hard
When you dare to dream, follow through by giving it your best regardless of the barriers that will inevitably come your way.
Sometimes you will find that you’re working harder than others in your team, but don’t use that to give it anything less than your best, be it a startup or relationship. You need to carefully identify what matters and give it your best.
3. Have faith and persistence
You need to be able to believe even in adversity. Your success will not be defined more by what you did when you failed than what you did when you won.
Sometimes things might not work out, and that’s simply because there’s something better ahead, don’t give up! It’s ok to change strategy to meet the same goal than to give up.
In my experience prayer has also helped me calm down, persist and think more clearly.
4. Count your blessings
This is self-explanatory. Even in the toughest of times, it’s important to be grateful for what you have.
I’ve come to learn that the best way of being thankful is to give back to those that are less privileged than yourself, whether it’s feeding someone, tipping higher than usual or sponsoring someone’s education. This is the most viable investment in your life despite no analyst even being able to model it.
5. Don’t be afraid to stand for what you believe in
Again, self-explanatory
I think all the above are very simple things that pretty much everyone can choose to do easily, so best of luck. With that, I’d like to thank everyone that’s made my journey what it has been.
Thank you