

#Stories4Health Writing Competition [CLOSED]

UPDATE 11/07/2020: The #Stories4Health Competition Winners have been announced here.

UPDATE 01/07/2020: The #Stories4Health competition has been closed today and the judging panel will be looking at the entries (click here to view them all). As communicated in this call, the result’s will be announced by 10th July 2020 and their winnings handed over to them. Look out for the announcement from our profile. 

If you missed the deadline but would still like to share your story, the platform is open so go right ahead, create an account and upload. New members that joined for the competition, the Muwado platform is also open for your other posts now that you are part of the community.

Greetings, Netizens.

I hope you are not too adversely affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. And while we are on that subject, we at Muwado, with the support of the good people at Amari are here with news that will hopefully help you channel your creativity to help spread creatively packaged stories about the pandemic and the health sector in general.

With the #Stories4Health Writing Competition, we are looking for personal experiences and human interest stories around new diseases, epidemics and trauma with special focus on personal experiences, human interest stories Covid-19 as the areas of interest. 

The competition is open to African writers from all over the world. Verification will be done at the point of selecting winners. Questions of eligibility shall be resolved by the Muwado and Amani administration and their decision is final.


  1. Winning entry – Ugx 500,000
  2. 1st Runner Up – Ugx 300,000
  3. 2nd Runner Up – Ugx 200,000
  4. Others – Assorted Deals, Discounts & Packages from sponsors. We are still talking to other potential sponsors for the competition so keep on checking on this call for updates. If you’d like to be a sponsor, our contact details are on the artwork.

Writing Guidelines: 

Any form of internationally recognised writing in any language on the areas of interest is acceptable e.g

  • creatively written case reports or case series
  • nonfiction from front line workers and those that have been directly affected by the virus and measures taken to contain it
  • poetry
  • fiction that creatively disseminates correct health information
  • epidemic history and lessons that can be applied to the Covid-19 situation
  • Accurately researched opinion pieces
  • etc. We don’t want to limit your creativity so feel free to think beyond these guidelines but within the areas of interest.

Submission Guidelines:

To participate, these are the simple steps you will have to follow:

Step 1 

If you haven’t already done it, create an account on Muwado. If already have an account, ignore this and simply login.

Step 2 

Go to the Submit page and upload your submission. The submission window runs from 4th May – 30th June 2020 (at midnight GMT). In order for it to be recognised as an entry, MAKE SURE you include #Stories4Health in the submission title and tags section, like we have done on this post, so we know it’s an entry to the competition. If this is not done, your post will NOT be considered.


  • You can always edit the post from your profile if there is something you’d like to add/remove.
  • If submission proves difficult (our beta platform still has some bugs), email us your submission [email protected] and we’ll upload it for you.
  • All entries will be checked for plagiarism. Submissions found to be plagiarized will be disqualified.

Step 3. 

Share your submission widely and engage with your readers in the comments.

Step 4. 

Winners will be selected based on:

  • the creativity of the submission,
  • post reach (views and shares) and engagement (upvote/downvotes and comments),
  • the accuracy of health information within (consultancy between health professionals and creative writers is encouraged for the best results),
  • grammar
  • input from sponsoring partners.

Winners will be announced by 10th July 2020 and their winnings handed over to them.

NOTE: For those that are don’t fall in the demographic specified but still want to participate, or those not interested in the competitive side of the campaign, go right ahead and submit your entry. At the end of the day, the main goal is to disseminate helpful health information creatively.

If anything isn’t clear, ask in the comment section and we shall clarify.

All right then, best of luck.

This post was created with our nice and easy submission form. Create your post!


Written by Muwado - Africa's Storytelling Platform (2)

Muwado is an ambitious African social networking website on a mission to give a voice to and financially empower storytellers from especially developing nations.

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