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in Family, Friends and RelationshipsMarrying a prostitute is much more better than a virgin.
Men are from Mars and women from Venus, is there a nexus between the two sexes? What do men really want; they say marrying a prostitute is far better than […] More
112 Views2 Comments145 Votes
in Competitions and Challenges, Health and MedicineReproductive Health During The COVID-19 Lockdown- My Experience. #Stories4Health
About two weeks ago, we patiently watched on television as H.E. Museveni declared that the then 46-day long nationwide lock-down would be extended by two more weeks. That was to […] More
386 Views110 Comments140 Votes
in PoetryCARNAGE #Stories4Health
All hail the queen; Covid19 the great Destroyer of the 7 nations; With no regard for cultures Immorality her quest; Unquenchable her thirst; Elixir must be filled; So blood she […] More
414 Views8 Comments19 Votes
in Business and EntrepreneurshipThe creative versus Prudential Uganda
The job market can’t absorb all of us and we are urged to be entrepreneurial. These are some of the things that happen when we try. As a freelance writer […] More