The New System
As you might know at this moment that the application process for Ugandan passports in Uganda has now been brought online, one is able to do the application and also make payment online via, the process is swift, reliable and easy as long as you have all that is required for the Application.
I’ll quickly capture for you what you need before you start your application.
What you need;
- Your name of course, legal name as it appears on your other documents that you may use to support this application.
- You will read and accept the Terms and conditions of the website, what else can you do anyway?
- You are required to fill in your email address, select a security question and fill in a security answer, then of course the traditional site captcha to confirm you are not a robot, not forgetting a working phone contact.
- Select passport type, it’s normally Ordinary passport for Ugandans like me.
- Select type of application, this is whether its new, replacement or change of details, then select priority (express or normal) , then place of submission and place of collection. There is Gulu, London, Pretoria, Washington DC, Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Brussels, New Delhi, Kampala Central Office, Mbale and Mbarara.
- You need Your National ID Number (NIN) your date of birth, Marital status, Gender (only two – male or female, if you are not yet decided, the Ugandan passport is not for you), place of birth and Details of origin.
- You will also include information about your spouse (if you have one)
- You will have to state the nature of your citizenship
- Provide details of about your parents, if you have a copy of their National IDs, that will save you a lot of trouble getting them details, the details here goes as far as detailing their Dates of birth, status of existence (Alive or deceased), country of residence right to village level, tribe, nationality, etc. You need to have your details near.
- Provide information about a notable person to recommend you, you need to get a copy of the Identification document ( National ID or Passport) of the recommender, they also get to write a letter of recommendation to the Passport Control Officer, signed and including an active and working telephone contact.
- Then you need to have your money at hand, I paid using VISA card, 250,000 for ordinary passport, normal service or plus 150,000 for the express service. Official passports are 400,000 and Diplomatic passports are 500,000 all money is in Ugandan Shillings.
- Have two passport photo, recently taken with a white background.
- Present yourself for an interview at the selected passport control office.
Now this is where all the waiting has to be done, firstly, when you arrive at any center, in my experience the Central Office in Kampala, it doesn’t matter what time you arrive, there will be a crowd. I did my online application on the 17th December 2019, I paid immediately and planned an appointment on the following day 18th December 2019. In my case – Replacement of lost passport, on top of the 250,000 I have to pay 100,000 negligence fee, that’s a fine for carelessness. On the date of my appointment, I go to the passport office around mid-morning; my first ticket puts me in the queue as client number 405. There is already over 400 people waiting, so after 2 hours of waiting and seeing the screen shows that they are serving #156 I give up and decide to come another day, I break off from work around 21st December 2019 and decide to give it a try that day or the following day as both are working days, all attempts yield nothing as I haven’t mastered the ideal time to come in, each day I am placed above the full house and I have to wait for longer.
Today, 30th December 2019, I came early enough, I was at the passport office in Kampala at exactly 8am Ugandan time, by 9am offices open, we crowd into the waiting area and I am client #114. Its 9:57 and they have so far served 68 clients and I am certain, without doubt that I will be served before lunch break today. This is a live blog and I will be updating things as they happen
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