On the Eve of 2020 I was discovered!
In Wuhan, China I was revealed!
An enemy of the respiratory tract I am named!
Difficulty in breathing I initiate!
The human sense of taste I numb!
Sneezing, coughing, weakness and fever are my flags!
Via Contacts with droplets I spread!
In crowded places, I am powerful!
Like a wild fire I Spread!
In people who do not show my flags, I am an unexposed secret yet to be revealed!
In people who are exposed to me without quarantine, I am a time bomb yet to explode!
I have stormed the world’s economy with uncertainties!
I have shaken the health sector with disease burden!
I have taken many sources of livelihood leaving families in hunger!
I have severed social ties as recreation centres become a dread!
I have overwhelmed the education sector as classrooms remain closed!
I have initiated travel policies hard to chew as vacation trips become but mere wishes!
Against social class, I do not discriminate as I hit all and sundry alike!
I have claimed over 400,000 lives across the world!
On frequently washed hands I cannot live!
In masked faces I cannot spread!
In the presence of a sanitizer I am helpless!
In the face of a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique and an Antibody test, I am revealed!
To take prompt medical action is to trap me!
To adhere to public health policies is to cripple me!
I have made victims!
I have made survivors!
I am defeatable!
I am tamable!
I am domitable
I am just a virus!
I am just a disease!
I am Coronavirus!
I am COVID-19!
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Wonderful …..
Thanks, Chi. We expect that from what you learnt from the poem, some behavioural changes will occur, towards how will try to prevent being infected
Great one?
Wao! Wonderful.
Thank you ma. We hope you share the lessons learnt with others.
Makes sense