
Refreshed CV Entry: Actor for hire!

Over 10 years ago, I saw a notice looking for actors for The Hostel TV show and decided to give it a shot. Apart from plays in primary and high school, I didn’t have any other experience but I was an idle youth with nothing to lose. I actually got the part and appeared as a guest in a few episodes. 

Encouraged by this, I went and auditioned for a role in Beneath The Lies. Again, I got part but turned down the part because I’d also been successfully interviewed for another job. I chose the good income of corporate life over the small budgets of the movie industry at the time. I later heard that Beneath was paying legit amounts and wanted to cry. I should have checked out the offer first. 

Around the same time, I also participated in a Flash Theatre project with CACE. This was the most challenging one because it involved secret cameras and acting scenes out by involving an unsuspecting public to see how they’d react to the storylines. Fun times.  I wonder what happened to that footage. 

After going corporate, I benched the acting dreams for 8 years until 2022 when the folks from the Prestige Show came to shoot some scenes from MCI Media Hub, my post at the time. I knew some of the crew members from back in the day and in that mix, I ended up with a role in Season 3 which they were about to start shooting. I was wrapping up my time at the hub to focus on Muwado and other personal projects and this seemed like a great interlude. 

This time, my character, Christian Gyaza was a proper supporting role so I was needed on set for full days every week.  I shot for 4 months and had a blast interacting and learning from the cast and crew. Considering this is a Multichoice production, everything was done to the highest standards and even the remuneration was much better than the hostel days. 

Thanks, Ava Juliet for taking a chance on me when the rust was real. And for making me very smart in all those fire outfits the wardrobe department provided for my character. That’s the longest I have been consistently well-dressed. 

At the time, the show was showing on Pearl Magic Prime and all my episodes were done showing by end of 2022. But, they decided to start showing it on Pearl Magic as well starting from Season 1. They have now reached Season 3 and my parts are currently showing. So yeah, tune in to Pearl Magic DSTV Ch 161 or GoTV  Ch 302 every day at 9.30 pm. You can also find the entire show on the Showmax App. 

I think I want to do more acting going forward but movie roles because I have a business to run and TV shows turn into full time jobs if you have a serious role. So if you know any movie makers, tell them you know a guy. 

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Written by Rolex (8)

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