

I met a shadow last night.

It hovered above consuming all my light.

He stared down at me from what seemed to be hollow eye sockets,

Pockets that sucked my soul cold.

He opened his mouth and sound…

Sound aloud yet silent fell and cast a spell.

A spell of static sounds bouncing around filling the surroundings.

And a white noise from his dark voice was forced upon my choice.

Slowly a dark sludge crept over my body’s surface.

I struggled to peal this thickness that blocks my pores, my nose.

And slowly I drowned in airlessness.

I wanted to cut myself to sleep and lie in my crimson bed forever.

To lay there and soak my skin with the red of my withins.

I wanted to burn my soul of all its sin.

To run away. 

(Run away).

To run away.

And then I fell.

I fell into a ditch of broken glass.

I clutched, I grasped, I grabbed.

I dug in deeper with my flesh pealing hands,

And embraced the pain because I always fall in the same pit,

Again and again.

… and again.

My hollow friend followed me closely.

He smiled as he watched my descent into oblivion.

His prison.

Where my frozen heart grew colder,

With time.

Shackled there in I lost meaning of light and time and sight.

Fear evaporated and floated away and I become one with the shadows,

Braiding my fingers within my hollow shadow friends hands,

Who led me deeper and deeper into my darkness,

Where my soul sleeps.

Behind my sightless eyes i lie besides myself,


Staring through the shadows vessels of vision and realise that I am the prison.

And that I am the shadow staring into my eyes,

Into my abyss.


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Written by Jason Ntaro (0)

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Ugandan poet Jason Ntaro "wants to have sex"